Our lives form a tapestry of sorts, when we are finished it is either pleasing to the eye or not. Every moment in our lives, is a chance for us to add color and detail. Yes, our lives are a work of art, and definitely worth the time it takes to make them beautiful. Even if the picture doesn't look so good right now, with persistent focus it surely will change for the better. Believe it!
So breaking free from the shell most tend to live their lives in, is our ultimate achievement. What do you say to that? It is only through personal development and social interaction that we are able to see the promised land of true success. You have heard the saying of, "Being at one with the universe.", here on earth, being at one with people gets you in touch with the universe. Social interaction is the key to positive sustained growth in our lives. Even the star player on a team, needs the team to achieve stardom.
The past is gone, never to return, everyone knows that but very few heed it. We should only glance at the past for the reward of its guidance. There is no better teacher than a carefully orchestrated screw up. Take heed, to the lessons that you have learned along the way, but never dwell on the past, it truly is gone.
The future is an open sea of possibilities, with an endless array of destinations to choose from. Set a course toward what you have passion for. Take care to love what you do, and strive toward doing what you love. Let your feelings for your work give you strength to endure the ups and downs. The energy derived from feelings can be unstoppable, so feel deeply, have passion.
Last not least, is the necessity to live fully in each moment of our lives. Focus on the tasks at hand, glancing at the summit of your goals. Living to the fullest is the potential of everyone, there is not one person alive who through proper mindset cannot change their circumstances. Break the barriers down and push the boundaries, it is everyones right to do so if they choose.
Present and accounted for should be our motto. So I ask you, are you present and accounted for? Are you living in the present, or caught in that ethereal state of dependence? Either way, if you are like most people, you are hopelessly trying to figure out what it is all about. The Universe is a very complex thing to comprehend, and living a well executed life will bring the clarity we all long to have.
With the technological advances of the this age, humans still operate very much like their primitive ancestors. There are still the few who seem to succeed while the masses struggle everyday. These are the leaders, some are born, while some are made. Successful people can be stripped of all their belongings, and within a short time they will have them all back. The reason is that they operate dynamically not statically.
So are you static or dynamic? Can you imagine a person of a static mindset wielding a million dollar a year business? Not, hardly. Can you imagine a static person spending the time necessary to learn how to operate dynamically? You bet!!!
So what is static life? It is coming home everyday with one excuse after another to do nothing. It is spending hours in front of the Television or Computer doing nothing productive. It is never reading to improve your intelligence. It is crawling inside of a bottle for the evening to escape it all. It is virtually standing still while your very life ticks away.
A dynamic life is everything that a static life is not. It is fully engaged in the art of living, and learning. It is constantly changing and moving forward no matter the obstacle. It is the true nature of the successful entrepreneur. While operating dynamically you are living at the highest level indeed.
The quickest answer to your desires is to make a paradigm shift in your thinking and start being dynamic. Realize that this change is absolutely necessary for success in any forum.
Becoming dynamic is not mystical, magical, or monumental. It is a process undertaken by a person who is tired of the mediocrity in their life. Like an alcoholic deciding to change. Believe me the static lifestyle is no easier to kick than the worst of drugs.
Your brain is a computer of sorts. Its operating system is a learned one. Therefore in to change a flawed system a new one must be learned. It is a fact that if you do anything consistently for several weeks it becomes habit. However if you are not careful, the old ways will resurface, sometimes with a vengeance.
One of the many secrets to successful thinking and living is the dynamic life. In this life, the laws of the Universe reward the dynamic, innovative souls that believe in being transparently effective in social refinement and productivity. The result of such a life, is a beautiful tapestry, tightly woven with detail and filled with color.
Here is to you in all that you strive to do. Live to the fullest and don't waste your time.
William Muncrief
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