Recently while doing window shopping from a shopping mall I observed a small kid who was busy looking at the different lights fitted in showroom with a elegant interiors. The way he was smiling I could not resist myself to observe the showroom's lights minutely. It indeed needed appreciation because of the interiors and different shades of lights focusing on the products for display. Somehow, I started counting the number of bulbs utilized in the interiors of the showroom. Imagine my surprise in discovering that the number was 89. Now can you imagine the electricity bill the showroom owner must be receiving against them? My thought process went further about the entire shopping mall which almost has 65 different brand showrooms. If each of the showroom consumes so much of electricity then what could be the amount of bill electricity department must be collecting?
While hanging out in a shopping mall we never think about the issue of maintenance of these showrooms. I shared my views with one of my friend who gave me the information about led products which are highly in use by this kind of showroom owners. Led lighting has been successful to bring a revolution in power consumption technology. It has replaced a many of the energy saving lighting products which is commonly in use. It is proved by the authentic survey done by research team all over world that Led lighting saves more than 50% compared to other T8 tube type energy saving products.
Though, the price seems to be little higher compared to other normal products but it is very well helps to reduce power consumption. The salient feature of this powerful lighting is vibration resistance and shock proof. LED has many advantages-low power consumption, long life, small size, and a wide selection of colors and designs. Therefore, all the shopping malls are decorated by wide range of variety from led products. They look flashy and eye catching but at the same time they are biggest energy savers. There are many advantages of Led lights .For instance- the work on very high and low voltages, consumes very less power, it provides bright and cool light. It has long life and it is compact and available in a wide range of variety.
Well, one can definitely save a small amount of money each month through electricity bill by replacing normal tubes to led lights.
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