Friday, June 5, 2009

Heating Your Home With Solar Hot Water Heating Systems

For a home occupied by 3 or 4 adults, the water heating charges can be substantial. In cold weather, the energy bills can escalate quite a bit. Solar water heating systems use an alternative energy source to provide your home with the hot water you need. This energy source is both free and unlimited. It's called solar energy, courtesy of the sun.

Solar water heating systems complement your existing gas or electric water heating system. Your current system is a back-up, to be used when there's a high need for hot water or during times when there's lack of enough sunshine. The solar water heating system is a cost efficient system that can provide your home with all its hot water requirements through all the seasons of the year.

Solar collectors form an integral part of the solar hot water heating system. These are crystal clear glass panels that sit on your rooftop, effectively harnessing solar energy for the hot water heating system. You can get them from off-the-shelf, do-it-yourself solar water heating kits. These DIY kits are the answer to avoiding the astronomical commercial costs of pre-built solar water heating systems. And what's more, the installation costs are free. Because you supply all the labor.

There are a number of modern models that make building your own solar hot water heating system a breeze. These are available at most DIY stores and make use of easy to read guides complete with all the equipment necessary. You might need a few simple tools to put everything together, nothing you can't dig out from the tool box.

You could heat your home with solar energy in the space of just a weekend. The entire project of installing a solar hot water system should take about two days, from start to finish. And you won't need to hire expensive professional help to do what you can complete yourself. At a very affordable price that's an added bonus to you.

If you decide to Build Your Own Solar Hot Water system, it'll be the best decision you've made so far this year. Using green power sources doesn't only help the environment, it makes you feel good!

For how to build solar hot water systems yourself, visit

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